User Name:
Enter the "User Name" that you originally
chose for yourself. Usually it is your first name
or nickname. It was on the confirming e-mail that
we sent to you when you originally entered your Business For
Sale listing.
Enter the "Password" that you originally used
when you entered the For Sale listing. If you can't
remember it, please send us an e-mail and we
will either send you the password hint or will do the procedure
for you. Please make sure that you tell us your correct
Listing No. !
Listing Number:
Enter the "Listing No." that we originally assigned
to your Business For Sale Listing. It was on the confirming
e-mail that we sent to you when you originally entered your Business
For Sale listing. If you can't find it, please go to the
"Buy a Business" Tab here and Search and Display
your own For Sale listing. You can see it there.
Thank you for listing your Business For Sale at: