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"We Help You Sell Your Business"


-----   This is the third page that you will see   -----  

Best Features:

Most important, here are 700 characters of text space to describe the best features of your business and why someone would want to buy it.  This is a REQUIRED input field. You do not need to include anything that has already been described or listed above. This feature description will actually be shown first near the top on the detailed listing page, so here you will want to encourage the prospective purchaser to read further - and to be excited about purchasing your business - and to contact you and to make an offer.

Financial Conditions:

Here you can describe something of the financial condition of the business.   There is room for about 500 characters of text.   This is an optional listing field and you can leave it blank if you like.   If you use it, state if the business is a "well established", or is "recently started", and if it is a "franchise re-sale".   Make some statement of the gross sales last year and the degree of profit or owner income.   State if audited financials are available on request.   Generally here, you want to encourage the purchaser with the opportunity for profit, and leave the finer details to your later negotiation.

Market & Competition:

Here is where you disclose the type of people and businesses that you sell to, and indicate what sort of competition there is for (or against) your product or service.   There is room for about 500 characters of text.  This is an optional listing field and you can leave it blank if you like.   Generally it is best to be completely frank and honest about the situation.   You might also mention what the opportunities for expansion are at this time.

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